Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Identifying phenotypic and physiological subgroups of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder.
Bazelmans T., Jones E., Ghods S., Corrigan S., Toth K., Charman T., Webb S. J.
A neurogenetic analysis of female autism.
Jack A., Sullivan C.A.W., Aylward E., Bookheimer S., Dapretto M., Gaab N., Van Horn J.D., Eilbott J., Jacokes Z., Torgerson C.M., Bernier R., Geschwind D., McPartland J. C., Nelson C. A., Webb S. J., Pelphrey K., Gupta A., GENDAAR Consortium
Developmental trajectories of infants with multiplex family risk for autism: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study.
McDonald N.M., Senturk D., Scheffler A., Brian J.A., Carver L.J., Charman T., Chawarska K., Curtin S., Hertz-Piccioto I., Jones E., Klin A., Landa R., Messinger D.S., Ozonoff S., Stone W.L., Tager-Flusberg H., Webb S. J., Young G., Zwaigenbaum L., Spurling Jeste S.