Headshot of Investigator Pat Levitt.

Pat Levitt, Ph.D.

Chair in Developmental Neurogenetics, Institute for the Developing Mind, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

SFARI Investigator Website

Funded Projects

SFARI Funded Publications

Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks. Li M., Santpere G., Imamura Kawasawa Y., Evgrafov O.V., Gulden F.O., Pochareddy S., Sunkin S.M., Li Z., Shin Y., Zhu Y., Sousa A. M. M., Werling D., Kitchen R.R., Kang H.J., Pletikos M., Choi J., Muchnik S., Xu X., Wang D., Lorente-Galdos B., Liu S., Giusti-Rodriguez P., Won H., de Leeuw C.A., Pardinas A.F., BrainSpan Consortium, PsychEncode Consortium, PsychEncode Developmental Subgroup, Hu M., Jin F., Li Y., Owen M.J., O'Donovan M.C., Walters J.T.R., Posthuma D., Levitt P., Weinberger D.R., Hyde T.M., Kleinman J.E., Geschwind D., Hawrylycz M.J., State M., Sanders S., Sullivan P.F., Gerstein M.B., Lein E.S., Knowles J.A., Sestan N.
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