Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Clarity increases sensitivity and specificity of fluorescence immunostaining in long-term archived human brain tissue.
Woelfle S., Deshpande D., Feldengut S., Roselli F., Deisseroth K., Michaelis J., Boeckers T.M., Schön M.
Genetically identified amygdala-striatal circuits for valence-specific behaviors.
Zhang X., Guan W., Yang T., Furlan A., Xiao X., Yu K., An X., Galbavy W., Ramakrishnan C., Deisseroth K., Ritola K., Hantman A., He M., Huang Z. J., Li B.
Interacting neural ensembles in orbitofrontal cortex for social and feeding behaviour.
Jennings J.H., Kim C.K., Marshel J.H., Raffiee M., Ye L., Quirin S., Pak S., Ramakrishnan C., Deisseroth K.