Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Processing of social and monetary rewards in autism spectrum disorders.
Baumeister S., Moessnang C., Bast N., Hohmann S., Aggensteiner P., Kaiser A., Tillmann J., Goyard D., Charman T., Ambrosino S., Baron-Cohen S., Beckmann C., Bölte S., Bourgeron T., Rausch A., Crawley D., Dell'Acqua F., Dumas G., Durston S., Ecker C., Floris D.L., Frouin V., Hayward H., Holt R., Johnson M.H., Jones E.J.H., Lai M.-C., Lombardo M., Mason L., Oakley B., Oldehinkel M., Persico A.M., San José Cáceres A., Wolfers T., Loth E., Murphy D., Buitelaar J.K., Tost H., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Banaschewski T., Brandeis D., EU-AIMS LEAP Group.
Cerebellar atypicalities in autism?
Laidi C., Floris D.L., Tillmann J., Elandaloussi Y., Zabihi M., Charman T., Wolfers T., Durston S., Moessnang C., Dell'Acqua F., Ecker C., Loth E., Murphy D., Baron-Cohen S., Buitelaar J.K., Marquand A.F., Beckmann C.F., Frouin V., Leboyer M., Duchesnay E., Coupé P., Houenou J., EU-AIMS LEAP Group.
Social attention in anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder: Role of social motivation.
Kerr-Gaffney J., Jones E., Mason L., Hayward H., Murphy D., Loth E., Tchanturia K.