Headshot of SFARI Investigator Dennis Wall.

Dennis Wall, Ph.D.

Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University

SFARI Investigator Website

Funded Projects

SFARI Funded Publications

Multi-omic analysis along the gut-brain axis points to a functional architecture of autism. Morton J.T., Jin D.-m., Mills R., Shao Y., Rahman G., McDonald D., Zhu Q., Balaban M., Jiang Y., Cantrell K., Gonzalez A., Carmel J., Frankiensztajn L.M., Martin-Brevet S., Harold-Berding K., Needham B.D., Zurita M.F., David M., Averina O., Kovtun A., Noto A., Mussap M., Wang M., Frank D.N., Li E., Zhou W., Fanos V., Danilenko V., Wall D., Cárdenas P., Baldeón M.E., Jacquemont S., Koren O., Elliott E., Xavier R.J., Mazmanian S., Knight R., Gilbert J.A., Donovan S.M., Lawley T.D., Carpenter B., Bonneau R., Taroncher-Oldenburg G.
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