Funded Projects
SFARI Funded Publications
Barriers, motivators and strategies to increase participation in genetic research among Asian and Black families of autistic individuals.
Tafolla M., Amador R., Oyeyemi M.J., Algaze Z., Pandey J., Goin-Kochel R., Sarver D., Gulsrud A.
Infant vocalizing and phenotypic outcomes in autism: Evidence from the first 2 years.
Plate S., Yankowitz L., Resorla L., Swanson M.R., Meera S.S., Estes A., Marrus N., Cola M., Petrulla V., Faggen A., Pandey J., Paterson S., Pruett J.R. Jr., Hazlett H., Dager S., St. John T., Botteron K., Zwaigenbaum L., Piven J., Schultz R., Parish-Morris J., IBIS Network
Towards a data driven approach to screen for autism risk at 12 months of age.
Meera S.S., Donovan K., Wolff J.J., Zwaigenbaum L., Elison J., Kinh T., Shen M.D., Estes A.M., Hazlett H., Watson L.R., Baranek G.T., Swanson M.R., St. John T., Burrows C.A., Schultz R., Dager S., Botteron K., Pandey J., Piven J., IBIS Network.