Headshot of SFARI Investigator Ericka Wodka.

Ericka Wodka, Ph.D.

Neuropsychologist, Kennedy Krieger Institute

SFARI Investigator Website

Ericka Wodka is the supervising neuropsychologist at the Center for Autism and Related Disorders at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is active in the mentoring programs at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and participates in the neuropsychological training of externs, predoctoral interns and postdoctoral residents.

Wodka’s broad research interests include examining cognitive and behavioral aspects of neurodevelopmental disorders specifically related to brain behavior relationships involving attention and language. Her focus primarily includes children with autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Previous projects have examined language outcomes for severely language-delayed children with autism.

Wodka is currently collaborating with researchers at Kennedy Krieger on projects examining cognitive and neuroanatomical aspects of motor and sensory difficulties observed in children with autism and their relation to attention and habituation. She is also involved in projects examining the cognitive and behavioral overlap between autism, ADHD and anxiety disorders.

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