SPARK Phenotypic Measures

Instrument Name and Publisher Measure Format Measure Description Administrations available by role

ADOS (original version),
modules 1-4

ADOS-2, modules T-4

Medical record upload by SPARK clinical site staff members ASD diagnostic test Available on select ASD participants from select clinical sites
Area Deprivation Index
Kind AJH, Buckingham W.
University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine and
Public Health, 2019
Systematically generated based on parent/guardian/ self-report of physical address Rank of socioeconomic disadvantage by neighborhood

Both version 2015 and 2020 are included in the file

All SPARK participants
Adult Self-Report

ASEBA 2003
Online, self-report Adaptive functioning, problems, and substance use Independent ASD adults
18-59 years

Non-ASD adults, 18-59 years
Background History Questionnaire-Adult

Online, self-report Demographics, treatment, and social history Independent ASD adults
Background History Questionnaire-Child/Dependent

Online, parent/guardian report Demographics, treatment, and social history ASD children

Dependent ASD Adults
Background History Questionnaire-Sibling

Online, parent/guardian report Demographics, treatment, and social history Non-ASD siblings < 18 years
Basic Medical Screening Questionnaire

Online, self or parent/guardian report Medical history All ASD individuals

Non-ASD Parents

Non-ASD Siblings
Child Behavior Checklist for ages 1.5 to 5 years (CBCL/1-5)

ASEBA 2000
Online, parent/guardian report Problem behavior ASD children, 1.5-5 years
Child Behavior Checklist for ages 6 to 18 years (CBCL/6-18)

ASEBA 2001
Online, parent/guardian report Problem behavior ASD children, 6-18 years
Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ)

B.N. Wilson
Online, parent/guardian report Motor Delays ASD children, 5-15 years
Intellectual Quotient data (IQ)

Medical record upload by SPARK clinical site staff members IQ scores and classifications from a variety of IQ tests and batteries. Please review the data dictionary for a full list of possible test types Available on select ASD participants from select clinical sites
Predicted Cognitive Impairment

Machine learning and human-derived calculations Machine learning and human-derived calculations of intellectual disability ASD children and dependent adults with enough data points for the calculation to be used
Repetitive Behavior Scale- Revised (RBS-R)

Online, parent/guardian report Repetitive behaviors ASD children, 3 years and older

Dependent ASD adults
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) – Lifetime

WPS 2003
Online, parent/guardian report Screen of ASD markers ASD children, 2-17 years 11 months

Non-ASD siblings, 2-17 years 11 months
Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) – Adult Self Report

WPS 2012
Online, self-report Screen of ASD markers Independent ASD adults, 19 years and older

Non-ASD adults, 19 years and older
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (Vineland-3)

Pearson Assessments 2016
Online, parent/guardian report Adaptive behaviors ASD children

Dependent ASD adults

For detailed information on measures including variables and answer choices, please refer to the SPARK Data Dictionary and SPARK Release Notes; included in the SPARK dataset zip drive.

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