Yvette Sol

Yvette Sol

2023 SURFiN Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis

Mentor: Anthony Fischer (Dougherty Lab)

Yvette Sol is a fourth-year pre-medical student at Washington University in St. Louis studying biology and philosophy-neuroscience-psychology. She has a passion for the realms of neuroscience and genomics research and aspires to attend medical school after completing her undergraduate studies and contribute to the medical field as a physician. Yvette has over three years of valuable experience as an undergraduate researcher at the Washington University School of Medicine’s Department of Genetics, focusing on the study of genomics and autism. Her dedication to biomedical research has been showcased through her active participation as a speaker at various university symposiums and her oral presentation at the ABRCMS 2022 conference. Additionally, she participated as a member of the uSTAR 2021 Summer Scholars program and the MARC-USTAR program at Washington University In St Louis. These initiatives, specifically designed for under-represented students, have provided her with valuable opportunities for growth and development as a scientist.

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