Jake Hall headshot

Jake Hall, Ph.D.

Senior Bioinformatics Engineer, Simons Foundation


Jake Hall joined the Simons Foundation in 2018. On the data and analytics team of SFARI Informatics, Hall helps manage, curate and analyze SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research) and other SFARI genetic datasets and helps the clinical genomics team with return of genetic results processes. Some of his primary roles include (1) performing and optimizing multiple variant calling algorithms to uncover potential genetic mutations from sequenced genomes, (2) preparing regular genetic data releases for external researchers, (3) developing and managing a workflow to receive and store external lab-validated genetic results and (4) performing a range of genetic analyses, including contributing to SPARK autism consortium peer-reviewed publications.

Hall earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in human genetics from Vanderbilt University, with his thesis work focused on novel genetic analysis methods applied to age-related macular degeneration. His postdoctoral work in the former Institute for Next Generation Healthcare at Mount Sinai in New York City focused on integrative, multi-omics approaches to research in Lyme disease as well as microbiome analysis of acne risk.

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