Funded Publications

Below is a list of publications and preprints generated with SFARI support. The list includes papers from SFARI-funded investigators as well as from researchers who used genetic/phenotypic data or biospecimens from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), Simons Searchlight, Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK), the Autism Inpatient Collection or Autism BrainNet.

2012 Articles

Genome-wide de novo risk score implicates promoter variation in autism spectrum disorder.

An J.Y., Lin K., Zhu L., Werling D., Dong S., Brand H., Wang H.Z., Zhao X., Schwartz G.B., Collins R.L., Currall B.B., Dastmalchi C., Dea J., Duhn C., Gilson M.C., Klei L., Liang L., Markenscoff-Papadimitriou E., Pochareddy S., Ahituv N., Buxbaum J., Coon H., Daly M., Kim Y.S., Marth G., Neale B.M., Quinlan A., Rubenstein J., Sestan N., State M., Willsey A. J., Talkowski M., Devlin B., Roeder K., Sanders S.

Transcriptome-wide isoform-level dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

Gandal M., Zhang P., Hadjimichael E., Walker R.L., Chen C., Liu S., Won H., van Bakel H., Varghese M., Wang Y., Shieh A.W., Haney J., Parhami S., Belmont J., Kim M., Moran Losada P., Khan Z., Mleczko J., Xia Y., Dai R., Wang D., Yang Y.T., Xu M., Fish K., Hof P.R., Warrell J., Fitzgerald D., White K., Jaffe A.E., PsychEncode Consortium, Peters M.A., Gerstein M., Liu C., Iakoucheva L., Pinto D., Geschwind D.

Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks.

Li M., Santpere G., Imamura Kawasawa Y., Evgrafov O.V., Gulden F.O., Pochareddy S., Sunkin S.M., Li Z., Shin Y., Zhu Y., Sousa A. M. M., Werling D., Kitchen R.R., Kang H.J., Pletikos M., Choi J., Muchnik S., Xu X., Wang D., Lorente-Galdos B., Liu S., Giusti-Rodriguez P., Won H., de Leeuw C.A., Pardinas A.F., BrainSpan Consortium, PsychEncode Consortium, PsychEncode Developmental Subgroup, Hu M., Jin F., Li Y., Owen M.J., O'Donovan M.C., Walters J.T.R., Posthuma D., Levitt P., Weinberger D.R., Hyde T.M., Kleinman J.E., Geschwind D., Hawrylycz M.J., State M., Sanders S., Sullivan P.F., Gerstein M.B., Lein E.S., Knowles J.A., Sestan N.

Inherited and multiple de novo mutations in autism/developmental delay risk genes suggest a multifactorial model.

Guo H., Wang T., Wu H., Long M., Coe B.P., Li H., Xun G., Ou J., Chen B., Duan G., Bai T., Zhao N., Shen Y., Li Y., Wang Y., Zhang Y., Baker C., Liu Y., Pang N., Huang L., Han L., Jia X., Liu C., Ni H., Yang X., Xia L., Chen J., Shen L., Li Y., Zhao R., Zhao W., Peng J., Pan Q., Long Z., Su W., Tan J., Du X., Ke X., Yao M., Hu Z., Zou X., Zhao J., Bernier R., Eichler E., Xia K.

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